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Utilize Your Dental Insurance and Save Thousands with Your Dentist in Enterprise

November 21, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drschaffeld @ 2:36 pm

How can my dentist Enterprise save me $1000?The end of the year can be financially stressful for families. While the holiday season is very festive, it is also very demanding of your time and money. Gifts for everyone and trips to see friends and family can be expensive, and the absolute last thing you want to deal with an unforeseen dental issue. This is why it is the perfect time of year to schedule an appointment with your dentist in Enterprise, Dr. Tyler Schaffeld. In fact, he could potentially save you thousands of dollars with a simple check-up. (more…)

4 Halloween Tips with Your Family Dentist in Enterprise

October 7, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drschaffeld @ 8:18 pm

Candy tips with your family dentist in Enterprise. Halloween was always fun for you as a child, and it’s even more fun now that you’re older. You get so much out of watching your kids dress up and play just like you did. Of course, this time of year also means a lot of candy will be coming your way soon. Here are 4 tips from Dr. Tyler Schaffeld, your family dentist in Enterprise, to help you and your children’s teeth stay healthy during the holiday. (more…)

Cosmetic Dentistry in Enterprise With MTM Clear Aligners

July 22, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:52 pm

Cosmetic dentistry in Enterprise can help straighten your teeth with MTM clear aligners.Did you know that your teeth are always shifting? Perhaps you had orthodontics as a child or adolescent, however if you haven’t been faithful about wearing your retainers your teeth will begin to shift and move gradually. Maybe your teeth started off with a small gap that has grown bigger over time, or small rotations that have shifted into misalignment. Whatever the case may be, if your teeth need some minor adjustments or simple alignment, then cosmetic dentistry done with MTM Clear Aligners may be the solution for you.


Spotting the Early Signs of Gum Disease

April 6, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drschaffeld @ 10:50 pm

gum diseaseIt’s estimated, roughly three-fourths of Americans over the age of 35 have some form of gum disease; however, most are unaware they even have a gum infection. Early signs of periodontal disease often go unnoticed, causing the disease to progress overtime. When left untreated, it can go from a simple gum infection to the eventual loss of your teeth. Learning to spot the signs of the disease while in its early stages is critical to treating the infection before serious and irreversible damages occurs.

What to Do with a Knocked Out Tooth?

February 23, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drschaffeld @ 8:48 pm

knocked out toothAlthough no one intends to have a tooth knocked out, it’s a fact of life that it can happen. With more than five million teeth knocked out each year in children and adults, it can be a very scary situation that requires emergency treatment. The faster you act, the more likely the tooth can be saved. However, sometimes that’s not always an option, but you do have alternatives. If you should happen to have a tooth knocked out, we encourage you to take immediate action for a higher likeliness the tooth will be saved.

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120 S. River St., Enterprise, OR 97828 USA