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4 Dental Myths That Could Be Keeping Your Oral Health From Improving

September 8, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drschaffeld @ 3:33 pm
person writing on chalkboard

Countless dental myths have been circulating for decades due to misconceptions about oral health and hygiene. Unfortunately, they could be causing more harm than good by preventing people from getting the treatments and care they need from their dentist in Wallowa County. Debunking tall-tales about your mouth could be just what you need to get the tooth whitening treatment you’ve always wanted or prevent you from developing easily preventable oral health problems. Read on to learn about four common dental legends that are simply not true.


5 Oral Habits That Could Be Destroying Your Teeth

August 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drschaffeld @ 1:07 pm
person snacking in potato chips

Do you chew ice or snack on potato chips every day? While these seem like small, harmless quirks, they can actually have detrimental impacts on your oral health over time. In order to protect your gums and teeth, it’s important to learn what these habits are doing to them. You can do that by visiting your dentist in Joseph for your semi-annual checkups and cleanings. Save your natural teeth now so you can enjoy them when you’re older! Without further ado, here are the 5 oral habits you’ll want to break as soon as possible so your mouth stays healthy and happy.


Is Flossing Really That Important? A Dentist Near Joseph Says Yes

July 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drschaffeld @ 12:46 pm

Most of us don’t floss as much as we should. It’s understandable. Flossing can be a bit of a hassle, and many of us don’t want to take the time to brush and floss regularly. Because flossing doesn’t make your mouth feel as clean as brushing does, you might think that it isn’t as important. That’s actually false. Let’s talk about why your dentist near Joseph, OR says it’s critical to floss, and what can happen if you don’t do it.


Emergency Dentist in Wallowa County Tells You How to Manage Dental Trauma

June 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:31 pm
woman punching herself with boxing glove

Accidents happen, even to your teeth. You can’t always prevent emergencies, but you can learn how to react when one occurs. Whether your tooth got knocked out in a car accident or you broke a temporary crown by eating hard food, it’s important to know what to do in a dental emergency. An emergency dentist in Wallowa County offers some tips for dealing with traumatic dental situations.


Your Dentist in Wallowa County Can Save Your Life with An Oral Cancer Screening

April 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drschaffeld @ 12:53 pm
person sitting in dentist's chair

This year, over 53,000 Americans will get oral cancer. Of those, about 10,000 will lose their lives to the disease. Although it’s not the most talked-about form of cancer, it can wreak havoc on your life if not detected at an early treatable stage. When diagnosed at an early stage, the survival rate is 84%. At a later stage where the cancer has been able to spread to other parts of the body, the survival rate drops to 39%. Early detection is the key to being able to beat and treat oral cancer. Going to visit your dentist in Wallowa Country for your routine semi-annual checkup and cleaning could be the answer to saving your life. Read on to learn about what role your dentist plays in detecting oral cancer and how they conduct screenings.


Your Dentist in Enterprise Says Spring into Excellent Oral Health!

March 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drschaffeld @ 12:36 pm
woman smiling sitting in dentist chair

Birds are chirping, bees are buzzing around, and an array of differently-colored flowers speckle the grass. Yes, spring has arrived, which explains why you feel so eager to clean and get things in order. Your dentist in Enterprise suggests you expand your approach to the traditional “spring cleaning” this year by including your dental health in your plans. Here are some simple tips to make it happen!


Your Dentist in Enterprise on Kid’s Dental Health

February 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drschaffeld @ 6:15 pm
child in dentist chair

Introducing your child to healthy dental habits gives them access to a lifetime of good dental hygiene. Tooth decay can start as early as six months old, so establishing the basics of brushing and flossing as well as regular dental visits is essential to their health as adults. Your dentist in Enterprise gives tips and tricks to establish positive routines for children and their teeth.


Do You Need a Root Canal? Tips from a Dentist in Enterprise

January 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drschaffeld @ 6:31 pm
Smiling patient in dental chair

“Do I need a root canal?” That’s a question which your dentist in Enterprise hears a lot. The answer depends on many factors, including the type of problem you’re experiencing. In many cases, a root canal can save a tooth that might otherwise be lost to extraction.


Start 2019 with These Four Tooth Care Tips from a Dentist in Enterprise

December 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drschaffeld @ 12:37 am
dental patient with bright smile

2019 is officially here, with all the promise and potential a new year offers. While you’re getting a head start on your new year’s resolutions, take a few moments to read these tooth care tips from a dentist in Enterprise. They’re designed to put a smile on your face that will last until 2020 at least.


How to Handle Dental Emergencies with a Dentist in Enterprise

November 1, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drschaffeld @ 9:53 pm
Man with tooth pain.

Dental emergencies can be a shocking experience. They happen more often than you think, and not many people know what to do in the event of one. Whether your watching your kids play contact sports, or you bite down on a hard piece of food, dental disasters can strike out of nowhere. Keep reading to discover the best way to handle the most common dental emergencies from your dentist in Enterprise.

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