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Emergency Reasons to See Your Dentist in Enterprise

September 12, 2016

A knocked out tooth or a bad toothache are dental emergencies. Get help fast with a call to your dentist in Enterprise, Dr. Tyler Schaffleld.

You fall face first off your porch steps and knock out a tooth. You’re bleeding. What should you do? You or a loved one must call your dentist in Enterprise, Dr. Tyler Schaffeld. Dr. Schaffeld and his staff will get you the treatment you require right away–and with a compassionate, caring touch.


What to expect from root canal therapy

August 15, 2016

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry — Tags: , , — tntadmin @ 11:29 pm

Enterprise, OR root canal therapy restores an ailing tooth to full health and function. Learn what to expect from this reliable restoration.

Should you pull a tooth or save it? Dr. Tyler B. Schaffeld, Enterprise dentist, believes in saving natural teeth whenever possible. That’s why he performs precise and comfortable root canal therapy in his Enterprise, OR office. The treatment is painless and strengthens a sick tooth for years of service. (more…)

120 S. River St., Enterprise, OR 97828 USA